I’m still in two minds about whether this is a good idea – I mean I know its a great idea, its just I have concerns about actually pulling it off. In a way its not making the cupcakes that’s the problem – it’s the posts that I am thinking will kill me! Maybe if I have the discipline to write the post while the cupcakes are baking and finish it up with photos at the end.
Kicking the month off is Gluten Free Friday and today it’s time for Kir Royale Cupcakes.

Kir Royale Cupcakes
My Champagne cupcakes are pretty delicious and it’s always been on the agenda to add Cassis (french blackcurrant liqueur) – painted over the hot cake, with a blackcurrant/champagne buttercream…
I always make Champagne cupcakes with real Champagne, but as these babies are going to be tainted with, not to put too fine a point on it, boozy Ribena, I’ve decided to go with a sparkling rosé instead. The Cassis though, is the real thing – it was an excuse to go to my local wine store and get a beautiful french bottle of gorgeousness. Also I have a cold, so my hot toddies are going to rock!

Kir Royale Cupcakes
Having done the taste test, I’m wondering if I don’t prefer these to the champagne ones. Tough call!
Kir Royale Cupcakes
Rosé Cupcakes
Blackcurrant Rosé Buttercream
Load the rosé frosting into one side of a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle. Load the blackcurrant powder into the other side. Pipe frosting in swirls onto cupcakes.
Pour about 1/4 cup vodka into a ramekin. Sprinkle a little of the gold powder over. The gold will settle out in a layer across the top of the liquid. Dip the top of each cupcake below the surface of the liquid, and lift up slowly. Continue with the rest of the cupcakes, replenishing the dip with a sprinkle of gold powder as needed. Let the cupcakes dry at room temperature. Decorate with extra blackcurrants or a little dollop of blackcurrant jam as desired.
Enjoy! xxx

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