The cafe at the back of the building I work in – SMXL, sells the most wonderful coconut banana bread – it comes in inch thick slices and is pale, moist, unctious, and positively tropical tasting! They serve it toasted with too much butter. Perfection.
A while back I worked hard trying to figure out how SMXL made their banana bread. And this is the recipe that I’ve come up with. I’m pretty happy with it – it has just the right texture and taste. My colleagues agree that I’ve gotten the recipe pretty close.
Now that it’s getting cooler, it’s a good time to have delicious warm toasty coconut banana bread around the house. It also freezer is extremely well, so I like to take it in slices and have it in the freezer at work for desperate moments.
I went to Queen Victoria market this morning, and while looking for bananas, found a few that I just couldn’t resist. You don’t often see banana twins, but here are three!
Half of them I will use in smoothies, with almond milk and almond butter, because that is really delicious. But the other half is going into my moist banana coconut bread. Now that I think of it, a banana almond butter smoothie with a slice of banana coconut bread would be the complete breakfast.
Cut into inch-sick slices, this banana bread recipe makes about 12 servings.
Moist Coconut Banana Bread
2 cups self raising flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup thread coconut
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
100g melted butter
2 eggs
3 mashed bananas (only just ripe)
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
Combine the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients in separate bowls. Make a well in the dry mix, pour the wet mix into this and mix gently until just combined. Don’t overmix!
Pour into a deep loaf pan (25cm x10cm) lined with baking paper.
Bake at 180 degrees C for about 50 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.
This loaf (assuming you don’t guts the lot on the first day) will keep for up to a week in an airtight container in the fridge and freezes perfectly.
Enjoy! xxx

Got tonnes of bananas at the moment – they were free at one of my favourite shops 🙂
My horses can only eat so many of them and …. we are smoothied out !
Will try this banana bread – Thanks Kadri
Great, hope you love it as much as I do! It’s super fast to mix up 🙂